Parsley Family (Apiaceae) |
Spiderwort Family (Commelinaceae) |
How can I recognize a member of the parsley family?
The distinguishing feature is the flowerhead, which is shaped like an upside-down umbrella. This shape is called an 'umbel'. Cool stuff to know about plants in this family Some plants in this family are phototoxic. This means that if chemicals in the plant get on your skin, they can be activated in the sunlight and cause irritation, blistering etc. We have to be cautious when we remove the exotic wild parsnip weed at the preserve, making sure the plant does not touch our skin. |
How can I recognize a member of the spiderwort family?
Alternate leaves, sharply folded along their length, with the leaf base wrapping around the stem. Plus the flowers only have three petals, often the third one small (but not in Spiderwort). Flowers in this family may remind you of lilies, which are a different family. Cool stuff to know about spiderworts The Scientific name Commelinaceae is to honor three related Dutch Botanists named Commelin. Two of the family were accomplished botanists (the two larger petals), the third died at a young age (the third small petal). |
rattlesnake masterEryngium yuccifolium
Rattlesnake-master borer moth The white prickly balls of flowers are visited by many types of insects seeking nectar and pollen. The caterpillars of a now rare moth (Papaipema eryngii), bore into the stems and eat the pith. This is the only plant this moth caterpillar eats. The adult moth is a pretty red/brown with silvery spangled spots. Native American use The entire plants turn brown in winter and clumps were said to be used as rattles in ceremonies by Native Americans. The leaf fibers were used to make sandals and other items. Once a plant flowers and goes to seed it dies back a bit but develops more offsets (stems) near its base and becomes a cluster of plants over time. The leaves of this central and eastern grassland plant are similar to those of southwestern yucca plants. However, flowers of the rattlesnake master place it in the parsley family. The true yucca plants are in the asparagus family. Scientific name origin Eryngium means 'spiny plant' and yuccifolium refers to the yucca-shaped leaves of the plant. |
common spiderwortTradescantia ohiensis
Doesn’t like heat Common spiderwort flowers are beautiful, blue, showy clusters of three-petals. They open in the morning and close on sunny days in the afternoon. On cloudy days, they will stay open longer. The flowers will shrivel to a fluid jelly if touched in the heat of the day. Some plants uses Various bees like to gather nectar in the morning when the blooms of this plant are open. Other animals at Nachusa like the white-tailed deer, cottontail rabbit, and box turtle like to eat this plant. The leaves and flowers are edible for humans and can be used in salads. The stalks can be braised, grilled, or baked like asparagus and eaten as well. The plant has medicinal properties also. A poultice made from the leaves can relieve the itching from spider bites and insects and the juice can be used as eyedrops. Scientific name origin This plant is named after John Tradescant (1608 – 1662), who was a famous gardener for Charles I of England and a friend of John Smith, who brought plant specimens from America to England. The species name is in honor of the state of Ohio. |