Friends of Nachusa Grasslands, in cooperation with the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois, invites you to an expert presentation on:
“Contemporary Estate Planning with Ethical Wills”
Featuring Michael T. Cyrs, JD, MBA, CDP, Savant Capital Management
Tuesday, February 27, 3 to 4:30 p.m.*
Our Presenter, Mike Cyrs
Everyone is welcome to attend this free event, but the RSVP below is required to make sure seating needs can be adequately arranged. Please invite your friends and family members interested in the topic.
Directions to the Nachusa Grasslands Headquarters Barn can be found on the Directions & Map page.
*Inclement weather date is Tuesday, March 6, 3 to 4:30 p.m. We will notify you of any postponements.
Directions to the Nachusa Grasslands Headquarters Barn can be found on the Directions & Map page.
*Inclement weather date is Tuesday, March 6, 3 to 4:30 p.m. We will notify you of any postponements.