For copies of these studies, contact the author(s). Elizabeth Bachmay also be able to assist you, but access is not guaranteed.
2023 Barber, N. A., Klimek, D. M., Bell, J. K., & Swingley, W. D. (2023). Restoration age and reintroduced bison may shape soil bacterial communities in restored tallgrass prairies. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 99(3).
Guiden, P. W., Burke, A., Fliginger, J., Rowland‐Schaefer, E. G., Savage, K., & Jones, H. P. (2023). Reintroduced megaherbivores indirectly shape small‐mammal responses to moonlight. Ecology, 104(2), e3884.
Hopkins, J. R., & Bennett, A. E. (2023). Spore traits mediate disturbance effects on arbuscular mycorrhizal ( AM ) fungal community composition and mutualisms . Ecology.
Otto, C. R. V, Schrage, A. C., Bailey, L. L., Mola, J. M., Smith, T. A., Pearse, I., Simanonok, S., & Grundel, R. (2023). Addressing Detection Uncertainty in Bombus affinis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Surveys Can Improve Inferences Made From Monitoring. Environmental Entomology, 52(1), 108–118.
Wenzell, K. E., Skogen, K. A., & Fant, J. B. (2023). Range‐wide floral trait variation reflects shifts in pollinator assemblages, consistent with pollinator‐mediated divergence despite generalized visitation. Oikos.
2022 Barney, R. J. (2022). Monitoring of Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae) Diversity and Abundance in Illinois for 140 Years: Recent Detections and Presumed Extirpations. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 76(4).
Brockman, J. C., Nielsen, C. K., & Walk, J. W. (2022). Influences of Land Cover, Fire, and Human Activity on Bison Habitat Selection in Restored Grasslands. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 84, 45–53.
Doke, R., Hiebert, K., Repella, M., Stuart, M., Mumm, L., Winter, J., Adamovicz, L., Glowacki, G., Kessler, E., & Allender, M. C. (2022). Prevalence of Intraerythrocytic Parasites in Macrochelys temminckii, Emydoidea blandingii, Terrapene carolina, and Terrapene ornata. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 32(1).
Garfinkel, M. B., Fuka, M. E., Minor, E., & Whelan, C. J. (2022). When a pest is not a pest: Birds indirectly increase defoliation but have no effect on yield of soybean crops. Ecological Applications, 32(4).
James, J. J., Bach, E. M., Baker, K., Barber, N. A., Buck, R., Shahrtash, M., & Brown, S. P. (2022). Herbicide control of the invasive Amur honeysuckle ( Lonicera maackii ) does not alter soil microbial communities or activity. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(3).
Rowland‐Schaefer, E. G., Bach, E. M., Kleiman, B. P., & Jones, H. P. (2022). Mapping fire history and quantifying burned area through 35 years of prescribed fire history at an Illinois tallgrass prairie restoration site using GIS. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(2), 1–6.
Wolf, A. T., Watson, J. C., Hyde, T. J., Carpenter, S. G., & Jean, R. P. (2022). Floral Resources Used by the Endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis) in the Midwestern United States. Natural Areas Journal, 42(4).
Zanne, A. E., Flores-Moreno, H., Powell, J. R., Cornwell, W. K., Dalling, J. W., Austin, A. T., Classen, A. T., Eggleton, P., Okada, K., Parr, C. L., Adair, E. C., Adu-Bredu, S., Alam, M. A., Alvarez-Garzón, C., Apgaua, D., Aragón, R., Ardon, M., Arndt, S. K., Ashton, L. A., … Zalamea, P.-C. (2022). Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates. Science, 377(6613), 1440–1444.
2021 Bach, E.M., B.P. Kleiman. 2021. Twenty years of tallgrass prairie restoration in northern Illinois, USA. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 2(4). doi:10.1002/2688-8319.12101
Bell, T.J., M.L. Bowles, L.W. Zettler, C.A. Pollack, J.E. Ibberson. 2021. Environmental and Management Effects on Demographic Processes in the U.S. Threatened Platanthera leucophaea (Nutt.) Lindl. (Orchidaceae). Plants (Basel). 10(7): 1308. doi:10.3390/plants10071308
Blackburn, R. C., Barber, N. A., Farrell, A. K., Buscaglia, R., & Jones, H. P. (2021). Monitoring ecological characteristics of a tallgrass prairie using an unmanned aerial vehicle. Restoration Ecology, 29(S1), 1–9.
Bruninga-Socolar, B., S.R. Griffin, Z.M. Portman, J. Gibbs. 2021. Variation in prescribed fire and bison grazing supports multiple bee nesting groups in tallgrass prairie. Restoration Ecology. doi:10.1111/rec.13507
Garfinkel, M., Minor, E., & Whelan, C. J. (2021). Using faecal metabarcoding to examine consumption of crop pests and beneficial arthropods in communities of generalist avian insectivores. Ibis, 0–2.
Herakovich, H., C.J. Whelan, N.A. Barber, H.P. Jones. 2021. Impacts of a Recent Bison Reintroduction on Grassland Bird Nests and Potential Mechanisms for These Effects.Natural Areas Journal. 41(2):93-103. doi:10.3375/043.041.0204
Herakovich, H., N.A. Barber, H.P. Jones. 2021. Assessing the Impacts of Prescribed Fire and Bison Disturbance on Birds Using Bioacustic Recorders. American Midland Naturalist. 186(2): 245-262. doi:10.1674/0003-0031-186.2.245
Kastle, M., J. Kapfer, A.R. Kuhns, W. Graser, G.A. Glowacki, A. Ibach, L. Mitchem, J. Mozuch, N. Rudolph, K. Rutzen, R.B. King. 2021. Blanding's Turtle Hatchling Survival and Movements following Natural vs. Artificial Incubation. Journal of Herpetology. 55 (2): 167–173. doi:10.1670/20-084
King, R.B., C.K. Golba, G.A. Glowacki, A.R. Kuhns. 2021. Blanding's Turtle Demography and Population Viability. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 12(1): 112-138. doi:10.3996/JFWM-20-063
Rahman, A.U., H.P. Jones, S.C. Hosler, S. Geddes, M. Nelson, N.A. Barber. 2021. Disturbance-Induced Trophic Niche Shifts In Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) In Restored Grasslands. Environmental Entomology. doi:10.1093/ee/nvab065
Rehbein, M.M., Videro, R. 2021. A new record of Uranotaenia sapphirina and Aedes japonicus in Lee and Ogle Counties, Illinois. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 37(4): 280–282. doi:10.2987/21-6994.
Wenzell, K.E., A.J. McDonnell, N.J. Wickett, J.B. Fant, K.A. Skogen. 2021. Incomplete reproductive isolation and low genetic differentiation despite floral divergence across varying geographic scales in Castilleja. American Journal of Botany. 108(7): 1270-1288. doi:
Wetzel, M. J., & Reynolds, J. W. (2021). A preliminary inventory of earthworms (annelida, clitellata) of the Nachusa Grasslands area, Lee and Ogle counties, Illinois, USA. Megadrilogica, 26(8), 91–124.
2020 Adamovicz, L., S. J. Baker, E. Kessler, M. Kelly, S. Johnson, J. Winter, C. A. Phillips, and M. C. Allender. 2020a. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and hemoglobin-binding protein in free-living box turtles (Terrapene spp.). PLoS One 15. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0234805
Adamovicz, L., S. J. Baker, M. Merchant, L. Darville, and M. C. Allender. 2020c. Plasma complement activation mechanisms differ in ornate (Terrapene ornata ornata) and eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 333. doi:10.1002/jez.2423
Adamovicz, L., S. J. Baker, M. Merchant, M. C. Allender. 2020. Plasma antibacterial activities in ornate (Terrapene ornata) and eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, doi:0.1002/jez.2352
Blackburn, R. C., N. A. Barber, and H. P. Jones. 2020a. Plant Community Shifts in Response to Fire and Bison in a Restored Tallgrass Prairie Plant Community Shifts in Response to Fire and Bison in a Restored Tallgrass Prairie. 40:218–227. doi:10.3375/043.040.0318
Blackburn, R. C., N. A. Barber, and H. P. Jones. (2020) Reintroduced bison diet changes throughout the season in restored prairie. Restoration Ecology. doi:10.1111/rec.13161
Burke, A., M. Angela, A. Nicholas, P. Holly, A. M. Burke, N. A. Barber, and H. P. Jones (2020) Early Small Mammal Responses to Bison Reintroduction and Prescribed Fire in Restored Tallgrass Prairies. Natural Areas Journal, 40:35-44, doi:10.3375/043.040.0105
Edmonds, D., L. Adamovicz, M. Allender, and M. Dreslik (2020). Reproductive Output of Ornate Box Turtles (Terrapene ornata) in Illinois, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology.
Garfinkel, M. B., E. S. Minor, and C. J. Whelan. 2020. Birds suppress pests in corn but release them in soybean crops within a mixed prairie/agriculture system. The Condor 122:1–12. doi:10.1093/condor/duaa009
Herakovich, H. and H. P. Jones. (2020) Prescribed Fire has a Greater Impact on Artificial Nest Predation than a Recent Bison Reintroduction in Illinois Tallgrass Prairie. The American Midland Naturalist. doi:10.1637/0003-0031-184.1.48
King, R. B., and J. P. Vanek (In press) Responses of Grassland Snakes to Tallgrass Prairie Restoration Implications for Practice. Restoration Ecology, doi:10.1111/rec.13119
Nelson, M., S. Hosler, F. Boetzl, H. Jones, and N. Barber (2020). Reintroduced grazers and prescribed fire effects on beetle assemblage structure and function in restored grasslands. Ecological Applications. doi:10.1002/eap.2217
Pischl, P. H., S. V Burke, E. M. Bach, and M. R. Duvall. 2020. Plastome phylogenomics and phylogenetic diversity of endangered and threatened grassland species (Poaceae) in a North American tallgrass prairie. Ecology and Evolution 10:7602–7615. doi:10.1002/ece3.6484
Scott, D,. K. Eckhoff, and S. Baer. (2020) Plant diversity decreases potential nitrous oxide emissions from restored agricultural soil. Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology. doi:10.1016/j.pedobi.2020.150670
Thixton, H. L., E. J. Esselman, L. L. Corey, and L. W. Zettler. (2020) Further evidence of Ceratobasidium D . P . Rogers ( Basidiomycota ) serving as the ubiquitous fungal associate of Platanthera leucophaea ( Orchidaceae ) in the North American tallgrass prairie. Botanical Studies. doi:10.1186/s40529-020-00289-z
Vanek, J. P., J. Fliginger, and R. B. King. 2020. Observations of American Badgers, Taxidea taxus (Schreber, 1777) (Mammalia, Carnivora), in a restored tallgrass prairie in Illinois, USA, with a new county record of successful reproduction. Check List 16:933–937. doi:10.15560/16.4.933
2019 Barber, N. A., S. C. Hosler, P. Whiston, and H. P. Jones (2019b) Initial Responses of Dung Beetle Communities to Bison Reintroduction in Restored and Remnant Tallgrass Prairie. Natural Areas Journal 39:420. doi:10.3375/043.039.0405
Barber, N.A., Farrell, A.K., Blackburn, R.C., Bauer, J.T., Groves, A.M., Brudvig, L.A. & Jones, H.P. (2019) Grassland restoration characteristics influence phylogenetic and taxonomic structure of plant communities and suggest assembly mechanisms. Journal of Ecology, 107, 2105–2120. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13250
Virgin, E. E., and R. B. King (2019) What does the snake eat? Breadth, overlap, and non-native prey in the diet of three sympatric natricine snakes. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 14:132–14
Willand, J.E. & Baer, S.G. (2019) Resource Availability and the Potential for Bison Introduction in a Landscape Mosaic. American Midland Naturalist, 181, 195. doi:10.1674/0003-0031-181.2.195
2018 Kleiman, L.R., Kleiman, B.P. & Kleiman, S. (2018) Successful Control of Lonicera maackii (Amur Honeysuckle) with Basal Bark Herbicide. Ecological Restoration, 36, 267–269. doi:10.3368/er.36.4.267
White, A., Fant, J.B., Havens, K., Skinner, M. & Kramer, A.T. (2018) Restoring species diversity: assessing capacity in the U.S. native plant industry. Restoration Ecology, 26, 605–611. doi:10.1111/rec.12705
2017 Barber, N.A., Chantos-Davidson, K.M., Amel Peralta, R., Sherwood, J.P. & Swingley, W.D. (2017) Soil microbial community composition in tallgrass prairie restorations converge with remnants across a 27-year chronosequence. Environmental Microbiology, 19, 3118–3131. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13785
Barber, N.A., Jones, H.P., Duvall, M.R., Wysocki, W.P., Hansen, M.J. & Gibson, D.J. (2017) Phylogenetic diversity is maintained despite richness losses over time in restored tallgrass prairie plant communities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54, 137–144. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12639
Barber, N.A., Lamagdeleine-Dent, K.A., Willand, J.E., Jones, H.P. & McCravy, K.W. (2017) Species and functional trait re-assembly of ground beetle communities in restored grasslands. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26, 3481–3498, doi:10.1007/s10531-017-1417-6
Griffin, S.R., Bruninga-Socolar, B., Kerr, M.A., Gibbs, J. & Winfree, R. (2017) Wild bee community change over a 26-year chronosequence of restored tallgrass prairie. Restoration Ecology, 25, 650–660. doi:10.1111/rec.12481
Klopf, R.P., Baer, S.G., Bach, E.M. & Six, J. (2017) Restoration and management for plant diversity enhances the rate of belowground ecosystem recovery. Ecological Applications, 27, 355–362. doi:10.1002/eap.1503
Vitt, P., Knight, T.M., Schutzenhofer, M., Kleiman, W., Havens, K. & Bittner, T. (2017) Experimental Grazing and Grass-Specific Herbicide Application Benefit Rare Forb Recruitment. Natural Areas Journal, 37, 161–169. doi:10.3375/043.037.0205
2016 Chi, K. & Molano-Flores, B. (2016) Reproductive morphology of Synthyris bullii, a rare Midwestern endemic species, in association with habitat degradation 1. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 143, 169–179. doi:10.3159/TORREY-D-14-00086.1
Etterson, J.R., Franks, S.J., Mazer, S.J., Shaw, R.G., Soper Gorden, N.L., Schneider, H.E., Weber, J.J., et al. (2016) Project baseline: An unprecedented resource to study plant evolution across space and time. American Journal of Botany, 103, 164–173. doi:10.3732/ajb.1500313
Kleiman, B. (2016) 11 . Nachusa Grasslands: 30 Years of Lessons Learned at Nachusa Grasslands. North American Prairie Conference Proceedings 9.
Soper Gorden, N.L., Winkler, K.J., Jahnke, M.R., Marshall, E., Horky, J., Huddelson, C. & Etterson, J.R. (2016) Geographic patterns of seed mass are associated with climate factors, but relationships vary between species. American Journal of Botany, 103, 60–72. doi:10.3732/ajb.1500295
Vitt, P., Belmaric, P.N., Book, R. & Curran, M. (2016) Assisted migration as a climate change adaptation strategy: lessons from restoration and plant reintroductions. Israel Journal of Plant Science, 63, 250–261. doi:10.1080/07929978.2016.1258258
2015 Wodika, B.R. & Baer, S.G. (2015) If we build it, will they colonize? A test of the field of dreams paradigm with soil macroinvertebrate communities. Applied Soil Ecology, 91, 80–89. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2015.02.005
2014 Hansen, M.J. & Gibson, D.J. (2014) Use of multiple criteria in an ecological assessment of a prairie restoration chronosequence. Applied Vegetation Science, 17, 63–73. doi:10.1111/avsc.12051
Wodika, B.R., Klopf, R.P. & Baer, S.G. (2014) Colonization and Recovery of Invertebrate Ecosystem Engineers during Prairie Restoration. Restoration Ecology, 22, 456–464, doi:10.1111/rec.12084
2013 Goldblum, D., Glaves, B.P., Rigg, L.S. & Kleiman, B. (2013) The impact of seed mix weight on diversity and species composition in a tallgrass prairie restoration planting, Nachusa Grasslands, Illinois, USA. Ecological Restoration, 31, 154–167. doi:10.3368/er.31.2.154
Rowe, H.I., Fargione, J. & Holland, J.D. (2013) Prairie restorations can protect remnant tallgrass prairie plant communities. American Midland Naturalist, 170, 26–38. doi:10.1674/0003-0031-170.1.26
Willand, J.E., Baer, S.G., Gibson, D.J. & Klopf, R.P. (2013) Temporal dynamics of plant community regeneration sources during tallgrass prairie restoration. Plant Ecology, 214, 1169–1180. doi:10.1007/s11258-013-0241-7
2011 Kattge, J., Díaz, S., Lavorel, S., Prentice, I.C., Leadley, P., Bönisch, G., Garnier, E., et al. (2011) TRY - a global database of plant traits. Global Change Biology, 17, 2905–2935. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02451.x
Sivicek, V.A. & Taft, J.B. (2011) Functional Group Density as an index for assessing habitat quality in tallgrass prairie. Ecological Indicators, 11, 1251–1258, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.01.003
2010 Rowe, H.I. (2010) Tricks of the Trade: Techniques and Opinions from 38 Experts in Tallgrass Prairie Restoration. Restoration Ecology, 18, 253–262. doi:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00663.x
2008 Cagle, N.L. (2008) Snake species distributions and temperate grasslands: A case study from the American tallgrass prairie. Biology Conservation, 141, 744–755. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2008.01.003
2006 Taft, J.B., Hauser, C. & Robertson, K.R. (2006) Estimating floristic integrity in tallgrass prairie. Biology Conservation, 131, 42–51. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2006.02.006
2003 Herkert, J.R., Reinking, D.L., Wiedenfeld, D.A., Winter, M., Zimmerman, J.L., Jensen, W.E., Finck, E.J., et al. (2003) Effects of Prairie Fragmentation on the Nest Success of Breeding Birds in the Midcontinental United States. Conservation Biology, 17, 587–594. doi:10.1046/j.1523-1739.2003.01418.x