2014 Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Scientific Research Grant Awards and Summaries — $10,000
Tom Anton, Michael Dreslik, and David Mauger — $1,600. Trapping Survey for the Blanding’s Turtle, additional documentation of 2013 survey
Kimberly Elsenbroek — $2,800. Microbial analysis in remnant, restored high diversity, and restored low diversity prairies pre– and post–bison
Heather Herakovich — $2,000. Study of grassland bird density and survivorship relative to habitat quality pre– and post–bison
Kimberly Schmidt — $800. Ongoing study of the population characteristics and habitat use of ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata) in restored and remnant prairie via mark–recapture and radio–telemetry surveys
Jason Willand — $2,800. Forage quality study in remnants and different age restorations pre– and post–bison
Resource Availability and the Potential for Bison Introduction in a Landscape Mosaic by Jason E. Willand, and Sara G. Baer
Kimberly Elsenbroek — $2,800. Microbial analysis in remnant, restored high diversity, and restored low diversity prairies pre– and post–bison
Heather Herakovich — $2,000. Study of grassland bird density and survivorship relative to habitat quality pre– and post–bison
Kimberly Schmidt — $800. Ongoing study of the population characteristics and habitat use of ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata) in restored and remnant prairie via mark–recapture and radio–telemetry surveys
Jason Willand — $2,800. Forage quality study in remnants and different age restorations pre– and post–bison
Resource Availability and the Potential for Bison Introduction in a Landscape Mosaic by Jason E. Willand, and Sara G. Baer
For project descriptions, recipients and award amounts from other years, see Science at Nachusa Grasslands. |
To receive information about grant guidelines and application process that will be available in the late summer, contact [email protected]. |
UPDATED 08/2024