2013, 2012, and 2011 Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Scientific Research Grant Awards and Summaries
P2013 — $4,000
Tom Anton and Phillip Willink — $1,600. Survey of fishes, amphibians and reptiles at Nachusa Grasslands. Clinton R. Bailey — $950. Determining the source water of the Nachusa Grasslands’ Sand Boil flow network via geochemical and stable isotope techniques. Kimberly Schmidt — $1,125. Presence, population characteristics, and habitat use of ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata) in Nachusa's restored tall–grass prairie, remnant prairie, and oak savanna. Flora of the Chicago Region: An Ecological Synthesis — $325. Conservation Research Institute in conjunction with the Indiana Academy of Sciences is leading the effort to update and dramatically expand the scope of the landmark reference book Plants of the Chicago Region. The authors of this new resource, Gerould Wilhelm, Director of Research, Conservation Research Institute, and Laura Rericha, Wildlife Biologist, Forest Preserve District of Cook County, are blending floristic, faunistic, and geological observations in this original reference. |
2012 — $2,000
Kimberly Schmidt -- $2,000. Presence, population characteristics, and habitat use of ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata) in Nachusa's restored tall–grass prairie, remnant prairie, and oak savanna. 2011 — $1,000 Michael Saxton — $500. Soil seed bank germination and understory plant communities in oak savanna restoration. Kimberly Schmidt — $500. Presence, population characteristics, and habitat use of ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata) in Nachusa's restored tall–grass prairie, remnant prairie, and oak savanna. |
For project descriptions, recipients and award amounts from other years, see Science at Nachusa Grasslands. |
To receive information about grant guidelines and application process that will be available in the late summer, contact [email protected]. |
UPDATED 08/2024