Friends of Nachusa Grasslands
At Nachusa Grasslands, rare and endangered remnant prairie, woodlands, and wetlands are being reconnected through habitat restoration to create one of the largest and most biologically diverse grasslands in Illinois by protecting native grasses, wildflowers, birds, insects, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
Friends of Nachusa Grasslands (Friends) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 2008 by volunteers dedicated to providing for the long–term care and management of the project. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) owns and operates Nachusa Grasslands. Over the past thirty+ years, hundreds of concerned people have invested thousands of hours protecting and restoring remnant prairie at Nachusa Grasslands. Although many more years of effort lie ahead, Nachusa is already one of the most successful restorations in the world. We are now providing for its long–term survival. |
Mike Carr 2024-2026 Heather Herakovich 2024-2026 Betty Higby 2023-2025 Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Conflict of Interest Policy Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Whistleblower Policy |
President Bernie Buchholz Vice President Mike Saxton Treasurer Eric Kingery Secretary Mary Meier |
Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Mission
The mission of Friends of Nachusa Grasslands is to build endowments that will help defray the cost of natural areas management, staff and operating expenses; conduct and encourage stewardship; support education and scientific activity; and fund land acquisition at the preserve.
Over 96% of our income is expended on achieving these goals. See the Friends of Nachusa Grasslands 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes for more information on our organization. Note that the minutes will be approved at our 2025 Annual Meeting.
Over 96% of our income is expended on achieving these goals. See the Friends of Nachusa Grasslands 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes for more information on our organization. Note that the minutes will be approved at our 2025 Annual Meeting.
Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Objectives
Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Board of Directors has adopted the following objectives:
Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Board of Directors has adopted the following objectives:
Operating Endowments – The Friends Endowment for Nachusa Grasslands managed by the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois (CFNIL) and the Nachusa Grasslands Stewardship Endowment managed by The Nature Conservancy (TNC):
Build Endowed Funds
Permanently endowed funds will support the conservation and preservation of native plants, animals, and natural communities by providing funding for long-term stewardship at Nachusa Grasslands. The Friends Endowment for Nachusa Grasslands and the Friends Endowment for Nachusa Science are managed by the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois. The Nachusa Grasslands Stewardship Endowment is managed by The Nature Conservancy. For the 2023-2024 fiscal year, Friends donated $228,925 to the endowments. As of June 30, 2024, the total of endowment funds was approximately $4.5 million. Our goal is to permanently endow $6 million, with annual distributions going primarily toward operations at Nachusa Grasslands. Support Science and Education
To encourage science and education at Nachusa Grasslands, the Friends awards monetary grants to qualified candidates conducting scientific research significant to Nachusa Grasslands. Research projects should focus primarily on prairie, savanna, wetland, woodland, and stream habitat management such as prescribed fire, seed collection, weed control, general or specific flora or faunal populations, and natural areas restoration. Since the awards began in 2011, annual amounts have increased from $1,000 to $76,000 in 2025. Friends of Nachusa Grasslands FinancialsFriends of Nachusa Grasslands is a nonprofit registered 501(c)(3) organization. Our tax identification number is 26-3303031.
Save the Dates – 2025
Nachusa Grasslands Science Symposium: April 26, 2025
Friends Annual Prairie Potluck: June 14, 2025 Friends Annual Meeting: July 26, 2025 Autumn on the Prairie: September 20, 2025 |
Conduct and Encourage Stewardship
Volunteers are the heart and soul of prairie restoration at Nachusa. Whether it’s harvesting, planting, educating, monitoring, photographing, repairing, or advocating, you’ll discover a role that fits your passion and schedule. In 2023-2024, Friends had 53 Voting Members who donated to Friends and volunteered at the preserve as well as 234 additional supporters committed to conserving Nachusa Grasslands. Volunteers typically give an amazing 8,000 hours at the preserve each year. Friends offers opportunities to volunteer outside on the prairie or inside with social and administrative tasks. Your stewardship will make an important difference. Fund Land Protection
Friends' participation in land protection is intended to ensure that sites are acquired at the quickest possible pace and, thus, support the timely realization of the project's geographic goals. Working cooperatively with The Nature Conservancy, Friends will support land protection opportunities on a case-by-case basis. This could include matching funds, acquisitions in unique situations, and other activities. If you have questions about our land protection efforts, feel free to contact an officer or board member. As of June 2024, the balance of the Land Protection fund was approximately $538,000. Friends and The Nature Conservancy
Nachusa Grasslands is owned and operated by The Nature Conservancy, a nonprofit conservation organization. Several of the activities described on this website, including workdays, controlled burns, hunting, public tours, the Prairie Smoke Annual Report, and Autumn on the Prairie, are offered and overseen by The Nature Conservancy. Except for specific Friends–sponsored events, such as our Prairie Potlucks and Science Symposium, all Nachusa visitors and volunteers are under the auspices of The Nature Conservancy. Friends of Nachusa Grasslands provides information about The Nature Conservancy programs to help fulfill our goals of promoting volunteerism, science, and education, but Friends of Nachusa Grasslands is not responsible for these activities. |
UPDATED 02/2025