Stewardship Teams
Stewardship team members enjoy different aspects of the work supporting the operations of Nachusa Grasslands. Our Woodies, Weeds, and Seeds Teams welcome both novice and experienced volunteers.
How Stewardship Teams Work
What does a team look like?
Each team is made up of existing and new volunteers who enjoy the work of the team and connect with others who are doing the work of the team at Nachusa.
Who oversees each team?
How are project areas chosen?
Projects are chosen by the team leader with input from first, the manager of Nachusa Grasslands, the project leaders’ concern about a specific problem area, and grant opportunities that the Friends are committed to.
who is a project leader?
how and when do teams operate?
Woodies Team
Weeds Team
What is the Woodies Team Season?
September through mid-May
What are the responsibilities and tasks of the Woodies Team?
who is the woodies team steward leader?
Mike Carr
What is the Weeds Team Season?
Mid-May through July
what are the responsibilities and tasks of the weeds team?
Who is the Weeds Team Steward Leader?
Mike Carr
Seeds Team
What is the Seeds Team Season?
July to October
what are the responsibilities and tasks of the seeds team?
who are the seeds team steward leader and co-leader?
Jay Stacy and Mike Carr
Join a Stewardship Team!
Submit this form to indicate your interest in Volunteering for a Team
Note that you will also be added to our volunteer workday email list.
See Thursday and Saturday Workdays for more information. |
UPDATED 03/2021