2022 Science Symposium Talks and Posters
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9:00-9:45 am
Session 1 Talks: Revisiting Historical Data
Session 1 Talks: Revisiting Historical Data
Nicholas Foster, MS
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Wetland restoration efforts result in increasing phylogenetic diversity |
Dr. Elizabeth Bach
THE NATURE CONSERVANCY Twenty years of tallgrass prairie restoration at Nachusa Grasslands |
Session 1 Posters
Devin Edmonds, PhD Candidate
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN with Andrea Colton and Michael Dreslik Predicting ornate box turtle (Terrapene ornata) spring emergence at Nachusa Grasslands |
Kathyrn Bloodworth, PhD Candidate
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT GREENSBORO Effects of fire frequency on shaping multiple ecosystem outcomes in tallgrass prairie: A Meta-Analysis Approach |
10:45-11:30 am
Session 2 Talks: Microbes on the Prairie
Session 2 Talks: Microbes on the Prairie
Pallavi Singh, PhD
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Longitudinal study to identify factors important for bison health |
Laurie Spencer, PhD Candidate
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Seasonal variation of enteric parasites in wild bison |
Desirae Klimek, MS Candidate
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Microbial community and soil geochemical responses to land management practices |
Session 2 Posters
Ritesh Ray, PhD Candidate
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Surveillance of foodborne pathogen, Shiga-toxin producing E. coli in wild bison |
Reb Bryant, PhD Candidate
THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Testing the effect of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on prairie restoration success at Nachusa Grasslands |
Sarah Khoury, MS Candidate
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO with Mariah Morales and D’Arcy Meyer-Dombard, PhD Quantification of microplastics in soils and sediments at Nachusa Grasslands, and impact on soil microbiota |
12:30-1:15 pm
Session 3 Talks: Ecosystem Responses to Management
Session 3 Talks: Ecosystem Responses to Management
Erin Rowland, PhD Candidate
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Landscape and habitat associations of prairie small mammals: a preliminary investigation |
Tony Del Valle, MS Candidate
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Bird responses to bison and prescribed fire at Nachusa Grasslands and Kankakee Sands |
Session 3 Posters
Jacob R. Hopkins, PhD
THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Post-management AM fungal community composition is associated with selection for spore traits and altered plant-AM fungal interactions |
Jesse Sikora, MS Candidate
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Well, dam: Is water storage potential influenced by beaver dam structure and density? |
Josh Klostermann, PhD Candidate
UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI A look into the diversity of ground-nesting bees and wasps (Aculeata) found in the bison wallows of Nachusa |
Learn more about the endowment that funds science grants at Nachusa Grasslands:
Robert and Patricia Anderson Science Award
Robert and Patricia Anderson Science Award